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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Carroll & Graf

Carroll & Graf

Founded: 1982
Founded by: Herman Graf, Kent Carroll
New York, New York 10011
Titles/Circulation: Unknown


Carroll & Graf Publishers is an imprint of the Avalon Publishing Group. This press was founded in 1982, and produces works in a variety of fiction and non- fiction genres.

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• Stephen Jones  • Kim Newman  • Alfred van Vogt  • John Campbell  • Brian Stableford  • Clifford Simak  • Brian Aldiss  • Thomas Ligotti  • Ian Watson  • Philip Dick  • Theodore Sturgeon  • William Jenkins  • James Ballard  • Michael Moorcock  • Barry Malzberg  • Abraham Merritt  • Joe Lansdale  • Francis Stevens  • Del Howison  • Michael Cadnum  • Michael Ashley  • Glen Hirshberg  • Joseph McElroy  • Jeffrey Gelb  • Glyn Jones Glyn Jones  • Adolfo Casares  • Silvina Ocampo  • Graham Masterton  • David Wilson  • Margaret Bingley  • William White  • August Derleth  • James Cawthorn  • Gertrude Bennett  • David Pringle  • Jorge Borges Acevedo  • John Sladek  • John Campbell  • Abraham Stoker  • Howard Lovecraft  • Damon Knight  • Ted Kosmatka  • Martin Greenberg  • Eric Russell  • Joyce Oates  • William Hodgson  • John Harris  • Thomas Disch  • Robert Silverberg  • Neil Gaiman  • Frank Rhylick  • Mark Clifton  • Fritz Leiber  • Kingsley Amis  • Michael Smith  • Mark Phillips