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Mistress of Mistresses:  A Vision of Zimiamvia

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Mistress of Mistresses: A Vision of Zimiamvia

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Author: E. R. Eddison
Publisher: Gollancz, 2001
Faber and Faber, 1935
Series: Zimiamvian Trilogy: Book 1

1. Mistress of Mistresses
2. A Fish Dinner in Memison
3. The Mezentian Gate

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: High Fantasy
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Mezentius had ruled the Three Kingdoms with a firm hand, but his legitimate heir is a weakling, frightened of the power of his half-brother, Duke Barganax, and of that of the terrifying Horius Parry, Vicar of Rerek. As Parry and Barganax manoeuvre, intrigue and plot, it is clear that the new king isn't long for the world.

The key to the control of the Three Kingdoms lies with Lessingham, Parry's cousin, the only man both sides can trust. But then Parry decides that Lessingham must die. As heroes and villains clash, an even darker game is being played - for the Lady Fiorinda is testing her own powers to decide the fates of men...


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Mistress of Mistresses: A Vision of Zimiamvi...

- thremnir
