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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Peter Owen Publishers

Peter Owen Publishers

Founded: 1951
Founded by: Peter Owen


Peter Owen started his company, aged twenty-four, six years after the Second World War. He ran the business from home, with a typewriter as his only equipment. Soon, however, the company started to flourish, enabling him to employ some staff, his first editor was Muriel Spark, and he was able to bring some of the very best international literature to what was a very insular British market.

In the fifty years since then, although the industry has changed beyond recognition, Peter Owen Publishers continues the tradition of producing new and interesting writing. The company has published seven Nobel Prize winners and boasts a backlist that includes some of the most talented and important writers from all over the world.

Works in the WWEnd Database



Authors Published

• Aila Sinisalo  • Anna Kavan  • Frédéric-Louis Sauser  • Margaret Colquhoun  • Isidore Ducasse  • Mervyn Peake  • Ryunosuke Akutagawa