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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Luna Press Publishing

Luna Press Publishing

Founded: 2015
Founded by: Francesca T. Barbini
Location: 149/4 Morrison Street


Luna Press Publishing is an award-winning independent UK press, founded in 2015 by author Francesca T. Barbini. We deal with Science Fiction, Fantasy and Dark Fantasy, in both fiction and academia. We are also a proud member of Publishing Scotland.

We work with agents, published authors and new writers. We take pride in our family - the Luna family - and we work hard to promote and support it.

We are very keen to create writing opportunities and to give back to the community. We work with worthy partners to promote inclusiveness in the publishing industry. Some of our books are affiliated to charities, so when you buy a book in our store you are also giving to charity. The donations are taken from Luna's own share of the profit.

Works in the WWEnd Database




Authors Published

• Wole Talabi  • Lorraine Wilson  • Nina Allan  • Anna Smith Spark  • Tim Major  • Nikhil Singh  • Allen Stroud