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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Les Diaboliques:  The She-Devils

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Last Updated: gallyangel

Les Diaboliques: The She-Devils

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Alternate Title: The Diaboliques
Author: Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
Publisher: Dedalus, 1985
Alfred A. Knopf, 1925
Original English publication, 1900
Original French publication, 1874

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Genre: Horror
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In Les Diaboliques there are six tales of female temptresses - she-devils - in which horror and the wild Normandy countryside combine to send a shiver down the spine of the reader. First published in 1874 Les Diaboliques caused an uproar and all copies of the book were seized on the orders of the Ministry of Justice as the book was a danger to public morality. Scandal made the book an immediate success. It is now regarded as a classic and is studied in French schools.

"The book is a celebration of the seven deadly vices and shows no counterbalancing interest in the seven cardinal virtues. Even more, it is a celebration of pride, the pride of the ancient aristocracy of evil. Those who have the style to carry off their vices have also the right to do so." Robert Irwin


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