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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Player's Ruse

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Player's Ruse

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Author: Hilari Bell
Publisher: HarperTeen, 2010
Series: Knight and Rogue: Book 3
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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Friends Are More Trouble Than Foes...

Sir Michael Sevenson and his squire, Fisk, were just beginning to enjoy the quiet life. They really should have known better. When Lady Rosamund runs away from home to marry a traveling player, former knight errant Michael makes a noble promise to help the object of his unrequited love. The quest takes our would-be heroes to the coastal town of Huckerston, where savage sea pirates called wreckers terrorize the coast. With the help of a reluctant Fisk, Michael plans on catching the wreckers and winning back his lady; but when mysterious murders and dangerous accidents threaten the town and its players, love might be the least of his problems....


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