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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Red Moon and Black Mountain

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Red Moon and Black Mountain

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Author: Joy Chant
Publisher: Ballantine Books, 1971
Allen & Unwin, 1970
Series: House of Kendreth: Book 1

1. Red Moon and Black Mountain
2. The Grey Mane of Morning
3. When Voiha Wakes

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Heroic Fantasy
High Fantasy
Juvenile Fantasy
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The Starlit Land of Kendrinh fell to Fendarl, the banished Lord of Black Mountain. He was the evil Enchanter of Star Magic. Nowhere in the stricken land was there a champion who could stand against him, who could fend off the black sorcery that became a horrifying reality with each rising of the Red Moon. But unbeknownst to Fendarl, a child was being raised by the Hurnei. A child who would grow to become their greatest warrior. A child who would become a man and learn the paradox of conquest and victory--and the dangers of a prophecy preordained to triumph!


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Red Moon and Black Mountain

- spoltz


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