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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Book Eaters

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Last Updated: Slinkyboy

The Book Eaters

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Author: Sunyi Dean
Publisher: Tor, 2022
HarperCollins/Voyager, 2022

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Contemporary Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
Fairytale Fantasy
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(15 reads / 13 ratings)


Out on the Yorkshire Moors lives a secret line of people for whom books are food, and who retain all of a book's content after eating it. To them, spy novels are a peppery snack; romance novels are sweet and delicious. Eating a map can help them remember destinations, and children, when they misbehave, are forced to eat dry, musty pages from dictionaries.

Devon is part of The Family, an old and reclusive clan of book eaters. Her brothers grow up feasting on stories of valor and adventure, and Devon--like all other book eater women--is raised on a carefully curated diet of fairy tales and cautionary stories.

But real life doesn't always come with happy endings, as Devon learns when her son is born with a rare and darker kind of hunger--not for books, but for human minds.


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The Book Eaters

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The Book Eaters

- Thomcat


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