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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Kampus:  A Mind-Expanding Trip to the College of Tomorrow

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Kampus: A Mind-Expanding Trip to the College of Tomorrow

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Author: James E. Gunn
Publisher: Bantam Dell Publishing Group, 1977

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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The college of the future has just one purpose: endless battle. Political organizations urge ruthless combat with an invisible opponent and each student is challenged to be more extreme than the rest. One man finds his fame by kidnapping and killing a professor. Instantly he is immersed into the world of grease-guns and grenades, where the anarchy is suspiciously formulated. The professors have forgotten their pursuit of knowledge, midnight groping at the point has turned into isolated sex with keyboards and the only goal is to completely in deadly political games. By becoming a shining example of academic excellence, Tom Gavin has tapped into the secrets inside the private chambers of the university. He finds it is either play the game or die beneath the latest revolutionary fire.


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