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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

These Burning Stars

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These Burning Stars

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Author: Bethany Jacobs
Publisher: Orbit, 2023
Series: The Kindom Trilogy: Book 1

1. These Burning Stars
2. On Vicious Worlds

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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On a dusty backwater planet, occasional thief Jun Ironway has gotten her hands on the score of a lifetime: a secret that could raze the Kindom, the ruling power of the galaxy.

A star system away, preternaturally stoic Chono and brilliant hothead Esek--the two most brutal clerics of the Kindom--are tasked with hunting Jun down.

And tracking all three across the stars is a ghost from their shared past known only as Six. But what Six wants is anyone's guess. It's a game of manipulation and betrayal that could destroy them all. And they have no choice but to see it through.


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