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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Cage of Dark Hours

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The Cage of Dark Hours

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Author: Marina J. Lostetter
Publisher: Tor, 2023
Series: The Five Penalties: Book 2

1. The Helm of Midnight
2. The Cage of Dark Hours
3. The Teeth of Dawn

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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Krona and her Regulators survived their encounter with Charbon, the long-dead serial killer who returned to their city, but the illusions of their world were shattered forever.

Allied with an old friend they will battle the elite who have ruled their world with deception, cold steel, and tight control of the magic that could threaten their power, while also confronting beasts from beyond the foggy barrier that binds their world.

Now they must follow every thread to uncover the truth behind the Thalo, once thought of as only a children's tale, who are the quiet, creeping puppet masters of their world.


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