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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Lords of the Starship

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Lords of the Starship

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Author: Mark S. Geston
Publisher: Gregg Press, 1978
Sphere, 1972
Michael Joseph, LTD, 1971
Ace Books, 1967
Series: The Wars: Book 1
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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The ship was to be seven miles long, a third of a mile in diameter and have a wing-spread of three and a half miles. It would take two and a half centuries to construct. Its announced purpose: to carry humanity away from its ruined world, from the world that had become a perpetual purgatory.

To build this vast ship would require the undivided activity of an entire nation and would mean carrying out a ruthless program of war and conquest, of annihilation and reconstruction, and of education and rediscovery.

But was this starship really what it was claimed to be? Or was there a greater secret behind its incredible cost - a secret so strange that no man dared reveal it?


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