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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Prince in Waiting

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The Prince in Waiting

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Author: John Christopher
Publisher: Puffin, 1977
Macmillan Publishing, 1970
Hamish Hamilton, 1970
Series: The Sword of the Spirits: Book 1

1. The Prince in Waiting
2. Beyond the Burning Lands
3. The Sword of the Spirits

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction / Fantasy
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A thirteen-year-old's expectations of royalty give way to adventure in the first book in the post-apocalyptic Sword of the Spirits trilogy from the author of The Tripods series.

In Winchester, roles are clearly defined. Warriors fight battles every spring. Dwarfs make the swords and the shields. Grotesque mutants are the servant class. Seers interpret the wishes and predictions of the spirits. And the Prince is the ruler of the city.

Thirteen-year-old Luke has no reason to suspect that any of this will change. It's been this way for centuries... at least since the year 2000.

But things are not what they seem, and soon Luke is thrown into a story of ambition and adventure in the primitive world of the future, expertly crafted by critically acclaimed Tripods author John Christopher.


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