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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Tragedy of Macbeth

Added By: gallyangel
Last Updated: valashain

The Tragedy of Macbeth

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Author: William Shakespeare
Publisher: Original English publication, 1623

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Horror
Sub-Genre Tags: Psychological
Mythic Fiction (Horror)
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(137 reads / 61 ratings)


Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy and it's writing was, perhaps, finished in 1606.

It tells the story of a brave Scottish general named Macbeth who receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia, and he soon becomes a tyrannical ruler as he is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the realms of arrogance, madness, and death.


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