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Electronic submissions and big manuscripts
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   General Discussion -> PublishersMessage format
Posted 2012-06-14 3:37 AM (#3386)
Subject: Electronic submissions and big manuscripts

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Posts: 1
I have been working on what one would classify as an epic fantasy for 9 years now. It is a trilogy and so the word count is large. The ROC Publishers site requests unsolicited manuscripts be electronically submitted through an email address and that they be no less than 80,000 words or up to 125,000.
Book 1 in my trilogy is at 154,000(+/-) words and I plan on writing the second book at around 158,000 and the third at about 160,000.
So my question is: Should I complete the trilogy and then send the entire manuscript containing all three books? Will the emailing option be able to handle the sizable content?
What would be the best way to go about submitting my manuscript(s) to Roc?

I would also like to know if Roc has any policies regarding submissions from other countries outside the USA?
Please help - I'd greatly appreciate some answers. Thanks.
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David L. Ryan
Posted 2018-03-08 5:15 PM (#16910 - in reply to #3386)
Subject: RE: Electronic submissions and big manuscripts

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Posts: 1
Why don't you attach the file to an email and send it to yourself to see what happens? I'd bet you'll be OK (as long as it's formatted according to specs, of course). The first book of my trilogy clocks in at about 135,000 words and I had no problem sending it to my editor. And, of course, she had no problems in receiving it.

I'm afraid I can't help you with Roc's policies.

David L. Ryan
Author of "Last Communion"
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Posted 2024-11-20 1:55 AM (#30635 - in reply to #3386)
Subject: RE: Electronic submissions and big manuscripts

New User

Posts: 1
Arathar - 2012-06-14 3:37 AM

I have been working on what one would classify as an epic fantasy for 9 years now. It is a trilogy and so the word count is large. The ROC Publishers site requests unsolicited manuscripts be electronically snow rider submitted through an email address and that they be no less than 80,000 words or up to 125,000.
Book 1 in my trilogy is at 154,000(+/-) words and I plan on writing the second book at around 158,000 and the third at about 160,000.
So my question is: Should I complete the trilogy and then send the entire manuscript containing all three books? Will the emailing option be able to handle the sizable content?
What would be the best way to go about submitting my manuscript(s) to Roc?

I would also like to know if Roc has any policies regarding submissions from other countries outside the USA?
Please help - I'd greatly appreciate some answers. Thanks.

Submit each book individually, starting with book 1, not the entire trilogy at once.
Shorten book 1 to approximately 125,000 words to meet ROC requirements.
Email ROC to confirm their policy on accepting manuscripts from abroad.
Files under 25MB are usually fine when emailed.
Focus on completing book 1 before mentioning books 2 and 3 in your submission.
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