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500 Internal Server Error
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Posted 2024-01-27 8:06 AM (#29296)
Subject: 500 Internal Server Error

Uber User

Posts: 46
Location: western Kentucky
Is anyone else experiencing a 500 Internal Server Error? It is occurring when I try to add anything new (author, book). It has occurred on multiple days and multiple times of the day. I get all the information entered and hit submit and this occurs. I then lose everything I entered. It has happened at home (Linux Ubuntu) and and at work (Windows 11). I can browse most of the site without issue. It did occur once when I tried to view the all authors page.
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Posted 2024-01-27 11:50 AM (#29297 - in reply to #29296)
Subject: RE: 500 Internal Server Error


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas
Not sure why you're getting that. Books are still going in from other Ubers so It's not system wide. We'll have to arrange a Discord session so whargoul and I can walk through it with you. I'm away from my desk for the day so earliest for me will be sometime this evening. When I get back I'll reach out to you both and see if we can make it work.
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Posted 2024-01-27 4:41 PM (#29299 - in reply to #29297)
Subject: RE: 500 Internal Server Error

Uber User

Posts: 46
Location: western Kentucky
Administrator - 2024-01-27 11:50 AM

Not sure why you're getting that. Books are still going in from other Ubers so It's not system wide. We'll have to arrange a Discord session so whargoul and I can walk through it with you. I'm away from my desk for the day so earliest for me will be sometime this evening. When I get back I'll reach out to you both and see if we can make it work.

I entered The Dwelling by Tom Elliott succesfully but through some quirk, Tom Elliott got entered twice.
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