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Is there a Nommo award list for the All Award Winners list
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Posted 2022-08-22 4:54 PM (#25009)
Subject: Is there a Nommo award list for the All Award Winners list


Posts: 262
Location: California
When I look at the All Award Winners list, I don't the Nommo awards. I do see 2 books, Freshwater and Rosewater, just sort floating next to David Gemmel's Mornstar Award. I'm wondering if there is a software issue or if the Nommo award just hasn't been added yet. Thanks
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Posted 2022-09-17 2:47 PM (#25067 - in reply to #25009)
Subject: RE: Is there a Nommo award list for the All Award Winners list


Posts: 4030
Location: Dallas, Texas
lisagarrity - 2022-08-22 4:54 PM When I look at the All Award Winners list, I don't the Nommo awards. I do see 2 books, Freshwater and Rosewater, just sort floating next to David Gemmel's Mornstar Award. I'm wondering if there is a software issue or if the Nommo award just hasn't been added yet. Thanks

Sorry for being so long in responding.

We took that page out of the menu as it was a pain to update, awkward to use, and very rarely visited. WWEnd 3.Oh! has a much improved version that I think everyone will really like.

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Posted 2022-09-18 4:24 PM (#25071 - in reply to #25009)
Subject: Re: Is there a Nommo award list for the All Award Winners list


Posts: 262
Location: California
Thanks for letting me know. Is there an expected rollout date for WWEND 3?
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