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Random quote: Fear and anger, Yoda had often warned him, were slaves to the dark side. Vaguely, Luke wondered which side curiosity served. - Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire)
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John Scalzi Listing
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Posted 2023-01-13 1:05 PM (#26732)
Subject: John Scalzi Listing


Posts: 77
I'm re-reading the Old Man's War series, and a couple discrepancies on his author page popped up. I'm sure it's just timing, but I wanted to point them out.

A) Travel By Bullet, the recently added Dispatcher story from 2022, is falling under the Interdependency series.

B) The Old Man's War series has the six main books, but there are also three (3) shorts:

1) "Questions for a Soldier", from 2005, a short story sold as part of a limited edition chapbook, falls between Old Man's War (#1) and The Ghost Brigades (#2), i.e. #1.5. Not yet listed in WWE, please add.

2) "The Sagan Diary", listed in WWE but as a Non-Series Work, even though it clearly states it's the same universe & a character from the other books. This one is from 2007, but precedes The Last Colony novel, so it should be #2.5.

3) "After the Coup", a short story which is listed in the Old Man's War series on the Scalzi page but as #0 from 2008. I don't believe it is a prequel, it should be #4.5, after Zoe's Tale.

A bit nit-picky, I know, and sorry for that, just wanted to get it right. Thank you!

Edited by finminer 2023-01-13 1:07 PM
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Posted 2023-01-13 7:17 PM (#26733 - in reply to #26732)
Subject: RE: John Scalzi Listing


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

finminer - 2023-01-13 1:05 PM  A) Travel By Bullet, the recently added Dispatcher story from 2022, is falling under the Interdependency series.

Fixed and replaced the audio cover with the new print cover. (You may have to refresh a few times to see it properly.)

finminer - 2023-01-13 1:05 PM 1) "Questions for a Soldier", from 2005, a short story sold as part of a limited edition chapbook, falls between Old Man's War (#1) and The Ghost Brigades (#2), i.e. #1.5. Not yet listed in WWE, please add.

Added to the list in the requests thread. We don't have the option to list it as 1.5 though we will in WWEnd 3.Oh!

finminer - 2023-01-13 1:05 PM 2) "The Sagan Diary"... 3) "After the Coup"

These have been added to Old Man's War. Since we don't have the ability to split numbers in a series we usually add them to the series as number 0's so they get grouped with the rest of the books in the series. If there are a lot of "in-betweeners" we will sometimes create a shorts series for them like we did with The Expanse. The new site will handle these things better.

finminer - 2023-01-13 1:05 PM A bit nit-picky, I know, and sorry for that, just wanted to get it right. Thank you!

If it helps, you can think of the series title as a "universe" title instead, where we at least have the series books in order if not all the works in the universe.

Thanks for letting us know about the issues we could fix. The rest will come with time.

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