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Our reads in December
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Posted 2024-11-30 5:46 PM (#30647)
Subject: Our reads in December

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
No idea what will turn up this month. Looking after a recuperating Mr Dusty,sorting the house for Xmas,and all the cards and presents for a huge family to sort will all make reading be something to squeeze in in small doses.
I will be rereading C J Cherry's Explorer,the 6th book in the Foreigner series,and that is over 500 pages long,so that may be all,or just short stories and fluff reads,same as the last few months.We'll see how it goes
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Posted 2024-11-30 8:44 PM (#30648 - in reply to #30647)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 574
Location: Great Lakes, USA
December 2024 Books (to finish my Challenges)

Rainbow's End - Vernor Vinge
Nor Crystal Tears - Alan Dean Foster
The Incredible Katherine Mortenhoe - DG Compton
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - PK Dick
A Time of Changes - Robert Silverberg
Crooked River - Preston and Child
The Last Policeman - Ben H. Winters

Not sure that I will get them all read. Holidays are no longer times to read.
Hope all US people had a great Thanksgiving!
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Posted 2024-12-28 8:26 AM (#30682 - in reply to #30648)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
I enjoyed my reread of C J Cherryh's Explorer,where we meet up,all too briefly with a new species in the Foreigner series. I have always wished Cherryh had developed that theme much more,but sadly almost all the following books,16 of them, have concentrated on the internal strife and covert machinations of the atevi court. Enjoyable,but I wish she could have gone in that different direction.
Also enjoyable was a reread of Winterfair Gifts,a novella in the Vorkosigan series.Its always a delight to revisit Barrayar and meet up with old friends
Also read a couple of Max Carrados short stories by Ernest Bramah, about a blind detective who has developed his powers of detection to almost supernatural levels.Obviously heavily influenced by Conan Doyle's Holmes,but its always fun seeing authors trying to spin out some variations on the Holmes theme .
For the rest I mostl nread light fluff that doesnt show up on .
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Posted 2024-12-31 11:50 AM (#30687 - in reply to #30682)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Hey daxxh.hope you had a great holiday season,and got some nice book related vouchers or books. I did very well glad to say. Now all I need to do is find time to read.

Just wondering if its worth continuing this thread. When I set it up in I think it was 2014,we had a lot of participants,lots of posts.Now we are down to just us. Yet somehow we managed 750 plus views,and as you look back over the months of the year,we had at least 4000 views. I know lots of people love to read posts,however dull mine are,but YOU ARE ALL LURKERS.:0)
So I wont be discouraged,we will plod on regardless. Anyone is welcome to join in at any time.
Or you can comment on the progress of your challenges.I remember when each month we would post on their progress..It seems that now doing challenges is wildly successful,the number of authors and books added to the site is spectacular,but it seems to have been achieved bu self isolating instead our challenges.
Oh dear and have even failed spectacularly at that
So SF resolutions of the year for me is to post more,even if it is in the middle of the night.And to get back to the WWEnd wonderful lists,even if on a limited basis. I will try to fit in at least one new title from the WWE lists every month,plus try to read and rate at least one book a week..
True,the days are gone when I read 20 titles a month,but I hope to read and enjoy both new and old faves as and when I can.
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Posted 2024-12-31 11:52 AM (#30688 - in reply to #30647)
Subject: Re: Our reads in December

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Oh,nearly forgot to wish you all a happy New Year celebration tonight,and I wish you all a delightful 2025 reading year. We need to burrow in against this crazy unbelievable world we are living in.Ciao
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