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Legends of Cypher: New Immersive Sci-Fi World
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Posted 2023-11-27 3:27 PM (#28593)
Subject: Legends of Cypher: New Immersive Sci-Fi World

New User

Posts: 1
Hello everyone!

This is the place to talk about new projects, so here goes!

I'm part of a four-person creative team that, over the last two years, has developed an immersive sci-fi universe called Legends of Cypher.

Legends of Cypher is an expansive multimedia sci-fi universe set in a future where humanity is dominated by the Centopoly, a galaxy-spanning corporatocracy using a sentient AI called the Metric to control human behavior.

Opposing the Centopoly is Hash, a freedom fighter who has developed Cypher, a technology that could give humanity a shot a lasting freedom.

What has taken 2 years to develop? Only a universe with 11,000 years of history, numerous factions, hundreds of planets, multiple storylines, compelling characters and a lot more!

You can dive into the Legends of Cypher story and universe on our website: The website features lots of FREE content, including 4 comics, short films, and more.

We're also building our socials:

a. Facebook:
b. Twitter:
c. Instagram:
d. Email: Visit any page on the LoC website to sign up:

Questions? Post them here and I'll be happy to answer.

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