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- (Added by: gallyangel)

Book Surround colors
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Posted 2024-01-12 7:49 AM (#29227)
Subject: Book Surround colors

Uber User

Posts: 46
Location: western Kentucky
I noticed when scanning other peoples favorites and book lists, if there is a book you have both read, it doesn't indicate the surrounding color in green. It would be nice to see that so you could see a quick comparison and know what ones in their lists you have read.
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Posted 2024-01-12 10:08 PM (#29232 - in reply to #29227)
Subject: RE: Book Surround colors


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Acknud - 2024-01-12 7:49 AM I noticed when scanning other peoples favorites and book lists, if there is a book you have both read, it doesn't indicate the surrounding color in green. It would be nice to see that so you could see a quick comparison and know what ones in their lists you have read.

I'm sitting here scratching my head as to why we don't have that already. It's such an obvious feature. We will be adding that to WWEnd 3.Oh! for sure. Thanks for the great idea!

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