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Posted 2016-03-02 3:59 AM (#12871 - in reply to #12870)
Subject: Re: Pick and Mix 2016
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
Good book,Thomas,and it handled a gender issue in a delicate sensitive way. Its probably 20 years since I read it but the outcome for the characters has haunted me ever since.Imagine such a topic being handled by someone like Philip Jose Farmer for instance!....(shudder)
I recently garnered some disapproval from some quarters when I said I was not too keen onLe Guin's Word for World is Forest,which I felt was more propaganda than I liked,too heavy handed on the issues. With Left Hand,which is on a potentially more controversial area,the characters and the story were supreme. Heartbreaking and memorable. A classic

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