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Posted 2016-02-12 2:03 AM (#12662 - in reply to #12239)
Subject: Re: Pick and Mix 2016
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
Just finished Simon R Green's The Dark Side of the Road.A bit of an oddity this one,a sort of cozy mystery a la Agatha Christie's And Then There were None as a snowed in group at a christmas country house party are picked off one by one. But the protagonist is an alien who crashlanded on earth in 1963 and never ages,and the villain is a supernatural creature! Pleasant enough fun,but I was disconcerted by the way characters would lose a son,a mother,a father,and just sort of shrug it off with a ''oh well,we were never really close'' That was weirder than any of the action.Oh well,it was a nice light fluff read,quite short,perfect for relaxing on a cold winter afternoon,but certainly no brain - stretcher!
I am about 60% through Cordwainer Smith's altogether moreimpressive Norstrilia all a bit bonkers but fascinating.,and am about to start John Varley's Ophiuchi Hotline

Edited by dustydigger 2016-02-12 2:04 AM

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