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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2014-01-01 7:31 PM (#5878 - in reply to #5558)
Subject: Re: Finished!
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Posts: 38
Location: Richmond, California
lol Reading through the posts, I am realizing what a different planet I'm on from a lot of you. It's hard to share recommendations because of that but , that said, I did find three authors I love through this challenge. I had hoped for more but three isn't bad considering I'd have never read their books if it weren't for needing to find more female Science Fiction authors I HADN'T already read. Since I started so long ago (got into science fiction when I was 10 in 1961), I had read most of the great scifi authors (male and female) one time or another already and it was very difficult for me to find ones whom I had never read in any format (short stories, novellas, or novels). I ended up reading a lot of books I'd never have considered since so many of them were fantasy or horror more than scifi - genres I'm not very fond of. The authors I found that I really liked were Erin Morgenstern, Maggie Stiefvater, and Lauren Beukes. They all write really well and I feel lucky to have found them. I also found some enjoyable fantasy novels which, though they didn't speak to me at a deep level, were fun to read. They included Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series (the first three anyway) and Lois McMaster Bujold's Sharing Knife series. In each case, I read several of the books in their series instead of just one.

Unlike several of you, I really enjoyed the Feed series by Mira Grant (pen name). I am not into zombies at all, though, so maybe that's why my reactions differ. I just found the books enjoyable to read and ended up reading them all - except for Parasite, which I'm waiting for from the library as I write this. (I also loved the first 3 seasons of The Walking Dead, Resident Evil, Shaun of the Dead, and - of course! - the first and the best (B&W) Night of the Living Dead so, if something is well written and pertinent in general, I don't care if it's got zombies in it or not. I'm just not attracted to zombie fiction for its own sake.)

I also liked Katarina Sedie's writing in Alchemy of Stone and Karen Lord had fascinating ideas in her novel Best of All Possible Worlds. Will try reading other books by them now that I've experienced their writing.

My biggest disappointment of the year was trying to get through The Drowning Girl. (Gagged x 10) Absolutely hated it and couldn't finish it.

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