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Posted 2025-01-07 2:41 PM (#30738 - in reply to #30713)
Subject: Re: Dusty's Pick & Mix challenge for 2025
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Just completed a reread of Edgar Allan poe's Fall of the House of Usher,the final story of his Tales of Mystery and Imagination
For a challenge in one of my groups I had to choose a piece of Gothic literature.
Gothic literature is a genre of writing that creates an atmosphere of fear, dread, mystery, and exoticism through its use of dark scenery, melodramatic narrative devices, and other techniques. Some common characteristics of Gothic literature include:
Setting - Gloomy, decaying settings like haunted houses or castles with secret passages
Characters - Rich, old, isolated, mysterious, misunderstood, or evil characters
Themes - A focus on the dark side of humanity, and plots that often center around a mystery
Elements - Supernatural beings like ghosts, vampires, zombies, or giants, as well as curses or prophecies

So I chose to reread Edgar Allan Poe -The Fall of the House of Usher
This tale penneed in 1839 is just a perfect example of the genre. And you cant help picturing Poe as the gloomy,manic Roderick Usher.:0)
.Ancient house,which literally falls off the cliff into the lake at the end,weird cursed family,ancient dungeons,premature burial,this story has it all
I often wonder just what the audience reading this story in a nice chatty literary magazine made of the story. Even today its a weird one,there is something very off about Usher knowing his cataleptic sister is still alive and making her way to him from the coffin in the dungeon.EEK
Tales of Mystery and Imagination has all the most famous Poe horror tales,but only the House of Usherrereading all Poe's major stories. actually falls into the January
good start to the challenhge.challenge,though it completes

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