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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2019-07-14 12:41 PM (#21157 - in reply to #21155)
Subject: Re: RYO Reading Challenge Banners
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Posts: 4020
Location: Dallas, Texas
finminer - 2019-07-14 12:08 PM Hello Cap! I was updating and remembered you had put together an excellent banner for the Apocalypse 2019 challenge I put out there. However, I think it all got wiped out in the March-April stability issues. Can that challenge be recreated now? Should I create it or is it one you can roll over? Appreciate your help, thanks!

Hey Fin,

I tried to roll it over from the last one but it just won't work for me. It appears I'm missing some table connection that won't get created unless it goes through the signup form.

You'll have to start it up from scratch but you can back date it to your original start date if you want. I still have the banner so when you set it up I'll add back the banner image.

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