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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2016-11-01 4:21 AM (#14521 - in reply to #12239)
Subject: Re: Pick and Mix 2016
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
Finished Vernor Vinge's excellent A Fire on the Deep.Some problems with the writing,and some of the ideas which seem great at first sight dont hold up fully at close scrutiny,but I love space opera,and this one has the whole galaxy as its background,great aliens,interesting idea of Zones of Thought and a good plot. Great fun.
Then John Scalzi's Zoe's Tale,which read as young adult.,similar in intent to Orson Scott Cards Ender's Shadow,being a counterpoint to the story told in The Last Colony. Enjoyable enough,but just a bit lightweight in the themes department,and a heroine to I pictured in my mind as Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Pleasant enpough fluff really.
For Halloween I revisited a few Edgar Allan Poe stories. Lush melodramatic,and still give a frisson.

state of the challenge - 927 books read(337 in total last year). Hopefully we can exceed 1000 in the whole year.
Well done kwaidan,who completed 20/20 and piibald who managed 40/40!
Others are very close to finishing - Morpheus 19/20,kabouter 19/20,infinity outlaw39/40.I am on 70/80. We're getting there!

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