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Posted 2016-03-31 2:23 PM (#13114 - in reply to #12239)
Subject: Re: Pick and Mix 2016
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
YAY! Finally finished several books I have had on the go at once. John Varley's Ophiuchi Hotline was quite fun. 400 years before alien Invaders came to earth to tend the whales and dolphins,who are superior in intelligence to men. They completely eradicated every scrap of human technology,so mankind died in their billions,and the few humans left were reduced to the stone ageMankind now existed only on outposts on the moon and other solar system satellites. Then information started to come from an unknown source, seemingly from the Ophiuchi system,wondrous tech far beyond man's capabilities which they can only use but not understand,particularly in cloning bodies and recording memories,so that within months of someone dying,a new clone,indistinguishable from the original person can be made,though with a memory gap from the death till the time after the clone is''born'' Now the mysterious suppliers of the tech are presenting a bill for their services,and things are not looking good for mankind......
It was all good fun,but I have an horrendous cold,and as multiple clones of the heroine proliferated in time and space my poor old brain found it hard to keep track. It was made even worse by reading Samuel R Delany's Empire Star,which would have been challenging even in full health! lol.Time loops and paradoxes galore.
Anyway,these together with Fountains of Paradise made for a pretty interesting and enjoyable month of SF reading. Next up will be Joan D Vinge's Snow Queen, and C J Cherryh's Faded Sun : Kesrith but the grandkids are on school holidays now,and quiet time for reading is rather difficult,so it may be a while before I can concentrate on them! lol
Another great month for the Pick n Mixers.Last year 18 participants read 337 books in the year,and reviewed 198 of them. So far this year we have 25 participants,have already read 222 books with 47 reviews. 85 books in this month alone were added.well done!

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