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Posted 2016-01-09 4:19 PM (#12346 - in reply to #12239)
Subject: Re: Pick and Mix 2016
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
I found Ursula LeGuin's The Word for World is Forest a heavy handed, very earnest depiction of humans exploiting a planet, logging precious wood for Earth, using the indigenous people, small, green and furry, as slaves. The main human villain is almost cartoonish in his complete and utter brutality, the Hainish charcters are so high-minded and ethical, and the native people, though primitive technologically are at one with their world, rather in the mold of noble savages, with somewhat telepathic powers. One could look upon the society as still in Eden and sadly when they finally retaliate against their human oppressors its a case of lost innocence, a leaving of Eden, as they prove themselves as cruel, vicious and relentless as the humans. Not sure what to make of this, it was all a bit too black and white for me, and rather downbeat. A bit too overdidactic, but of course very much of its time in its concerns for the environment and the way man's greed can destroy what is beautiful or trampling on those who stand in their way. Not one of LeGuin's best, a bit too "worthy", with no shading. Oh well, at least it was SHORT!
Ann Leckie's Ancillary Mercy started out a bit stodgy,as usual,slow moving.Breq is as highminded as ever,and earnestly pits herself against Lord Mianaai,while sorting out her young officers,another ancillary,the AIs of a ship and a station,and lots of downtrodden stationers at intervals.It was well past halfway before Breq even made a little guerilla attack on the Radch enemy. Its all OK,perfectly reasonable read,but Breq does go on a bit,all that angst and internal muttering,while offhandedly sorting everybody's problem in passing!
Anyway,all in all Mercy is adequately rounding off the trilogy,but,unlike the myriad of fans, I guess I feel the whole series has been overhyped.I liked Ancillary Sword best,it got out of Radch space,and we got a straightfprward story,and the characters seemed more vibrant somehow. Oh well,just not really absorbing or exciting enough for me.

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