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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2016-01-02 4:09 AM (#12239)
Subject: Pick and Mix 2016
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
Here we go again with the P&M. I extended the number of books in the reading levels,though Weesam will probably still finish within 3 months! We had an excellent year in 2015,around 12 active participants reading 337 books,and reviewing 195 of them Amazing.
Lets hope for the same this year.
Anyone got any particular plans? I have cut down on heavy serious award winners etc this yearHey,the longer I can put off those massive wristbreaking tomes of the 90s the better,I am having a sort of break from them,but have lined up a host of fun 50s and 60s stuff,much more relaxing and enjoyable to me. lol.
Happy reading,people!

Edited by dustydigger 2016-01-02 4:12 AM

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