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Ruth Berman
Full Name: |
Berman |
Born: |
November 15, 1942 |
Occupation: |
Writer, Poet |
Nationality: |
American |
Links: |
Ruth Berman's work has appeared in many science fiction and fantasy magazines and anthologies, as well as in general, literary, and scholarly magazines and anthologies.
In 2003, she won the Rhysling Award for Best Short Poem with the Poem "Potherb Gardening" published in Asimov's. Ruth received the Minnesota Fantasy Award at the Fall 2004 Arcana, a convention of the Dark Fantastic. She was also the winner of the 2006 Dwarf Stars Award for her poem "Knowledge Of." Her work has appeared in Analog, Asimov's, F&SF, and many other f/sf magazines and anthologies.
She edited Sissajig and Other Surprises (a collection of the fantasy writings of Ruth Plumly Thompson, IWOC), The Kerlan Awards in Children's Literature, 1975-2001 (Pogo Press), and Dear Poppa: the World War II Berman Family Letters (Minnesota Historical Society Press). She was one of the co-authors of Autumn World, a group novel (Stone Dragon Press).
Ruth was one of the founding members of The Rivendell Group. She was at the first meeting, back in December of '73 or so, along with David Lenander and Margaret Howes. She was also a founding member of Minn-Stf, the local Minnesota Science Fiction Society, and lots of other activities and groups.
Works in the WWEnd Database
Non Series Works |
(2011) |