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Wade Roush
Full Name: |
Roush |
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Occupation: |
Writer, Journalist |
Nationality: |
American |
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Wade Roush, a columnist for Scientific American, creates accessible stories about the human side of innovation, and how we can use science and technology to make the future better (or worse). He works at the intersection of the written and spoken word, reaching audiences through books, magazines, the web, radio, podcasts, and live storytelling--all with the goal of helping non-specialists understand and intelligently navigate their changing world.
Wade's book Extraterrestrials will be published by The MIT Press in April 2020. It's a broad survey of the science and the history behind the idea that aliens might exist. It takes a deep look at the scientific strategies behind the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and asks why we've failed so far to detect signs of other advanced civilizations--and what that might mean for our future as a species.
Wade's edited volume Twelve Tomorrows is an anthology of hard science fiction stories published in 2018 by by MIT Technology Review and the MIT Press. Nature called the book "hard sci-fi at its best," and four of the book's 11 stories were selected for inclusion in "best of" science fiction collections for 2018.
Wade's podcast Soonish (www.soonishpodcast.org) explores how the future is shaped by technology, and how technology is shaped by citizens. It's part of Hub & Spoke (www.hubspokeaudio.org), an audio collective that Wade co-founded in 2017 to provide a new home for high-quality, independent, idea-driven podcasts.
Wade's column "Ventures: The Business of Innovation" appears monthly in Scientific American. He has worked as a staff reporter and editor at Science magazine, MIT Technology Review, and Xconomy. In 2014-15 he served as acting director of MIT's Knight Science Journalism fellowship program. He holds a BA in history and science from Harvard College and a PhD in the history and social study of science and technology from MIT's Program in Science, Technology, and Society.
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