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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Ian Rogers

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Ian Rogers

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Full Name: Ian Rogers
Nationality: Canadian


Ian Rogers is the author of the award-winning collection, EVERY HOUSE IS HAUNTED. A novelette from the collection, "The House on Ashley Avenue," was a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award and is currently being developed as a feature film by Sam Raimi and Netflix.

He is the author of the Felix Renn series of supernatural-noirs, which have been collected in the book "SuperNOIRtural Tales."

Ian's stories have been published in markets such as Cemetery Dance, Broken Pencil, and Shadows & Tall Trees, His work has also been selected for "The Best Horror of the Year" and "Imaginarium: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing."

Ian lives with his wife, Kathryn, in Peterborough, Ontario.

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