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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Patrick Nielsen Hayden

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Last Updated: spoltz

Patrick Nielsen Hayden

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Full Name: Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Born: January 2, 1959
Lansing, Michigan, USA
Occupation: Editor
Nationality: American


Patrick James Nielsen Hayden, often abbreviated as PNH, is an American science fiction editor, fan, fanzine publisher, essayist, reviewer, anthologist, teacher and blogger. He is a World Fantasy Award and Hugo Award winner (with nine nominations for the latter award), and is a Senior Editor and the Manager of Science Fiction at Tor Books. He changed his last name to "Nielsen Hayden" on his marriage to Teresa Nielsen (now Teresa Nielsen Hayden) in 1979.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works



 1. (1996)
 2. (1998)
 3. (2001)

 The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy for Teens

 1. (2005)