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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Orson Scott Card

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Last Updated: valashain

Orson Scott Card

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Full Name: Orson Scott Card
Born: August 24, 1951
Richland, Washington, USA
Occupation: Author, Critic, Professor, Public Speaker, Essayist, Columnist, Playwright, Poet, Political Activist
Nationality: American


Born in Richland, Washington in 1951, Orson Scott Card grew up in California, Arizona, and Utah. He lived in Brazil for two years as an unpaid missionary for the Mormon Church and received degrees from Brigham Young University (1975) and the University of Utah (1981). The author of numerous books, Card was the first writer to receive both the Hugo and Nebula awards for best novel two years in a row, first for Ender's Game and then for the sequel Speaker for the Dead. He lives with his wife and children in North Carolina.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Dragons of Light / Dark

 1. (1980)
 2. (1981)


 1. (2006)
 2. (2009)

 Ender's Universe: Ender Wiggin

 0. (2008)
 0. (2007)
 0. (2002)
 0. (1977)
 1. (1985)
 2. (1986)
 3. (1991)
 4. (1996)

 Ender's Universe: Ender's Shadow

 1. (1999)
 2. (2001)
 3. (2002)
 4. (2005)
 5. (2012)
 6. (2021)

 Ender's Universe: First Formic War

 1. (2012)
 2. (2013)
 3. (2014)

 Ender's Universe: Fleet School

 0. (2017)

 Ender's Universe: Second Formic War

 1. (2016)
 2. (2019)


 1. (1992)
 2. (1993)
 3. (1994)
 4. (1995)
 5. (1995)

 InterGalactic Medicine Show

 1. (2008)
 2. (2012)
 3. (2013)

 Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card

 0. (1990)
 1. (1992)

 Mither Mages

 1. (2011)
 2. (2013)
 3. (2015)

 The Mormon Sea

 0. (1989)
 0. (1987)
 0. (1985)

 Pathfinder Trilogy

 1. (2010)
 2. (2012)
 3. (2014)

 SF/F/H Writing

 3. (1990)

 The Side-Step Trilogy

 1. (2022)

 The Tales of Alvin Maker

 0. (1986)
 1. (1987)
 2. (1988)
 3. (1989)
 4. (1995)
 5. (1998)
 6. (2003)

 Tor Double

 27. (1990)

 The Worthing Chronicle

 0. (1990)
 0. (1979)
 0. (1979)