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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Nicholas Ruddick

Added By: gallyangel
Last Updated: gallyangel

Nicholas Ruddick

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Full Name: Nicholas Ruddick
Born: October 23, 1952
Salford, Lancashire, England, UK
Occupation: Professor of English
Nationality: Canadian


Nicholas Ruddick was born in 1952 in Salford, near Manchester, England and moved to Canada in 1974. Since 1982 he has taught at the University of Regina, where he is currently Professor of English. He's known both as a science fiction critic and as an editor of scholarly editions of novels written near the turn of the twentieth century. He's married to the Swedish-Canadian novelist Britt Holmstrom.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Early Classics of Science Fiction

 21. (2009)