Hunters of Dune

Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson
Hunters of Dune Cover

Hunters of Dune


My rating is rather low, because Frank Herbert, despite being an amazing SF author, is no better at posthumous collaborations than other mortals. For those of us die-hard fans of Dune, we have to remember that Herbert senior only wrote 6 dune novels, and we are deluding ourselves to think we can magically discover more.

I generally assumed, based on nothing more than a hunch, that the relatively readable portions of these novels were written primarily by Kevin Anderson, and that the embarrassingly bad portions were by Brian Herbert. One envisions an unfortunate conference between the publishers and Anderson: "We have good news and other news for you. The good news is that you will make lots of money writing this series. The other news is that you have been assigned a co-author, who just happens to own the rights to his father's masterworks... ."

And yes, I was one of those who read my way through all of them. I would find myself fervently hoping that the co-authors would cease and desist instead of cranking out yet another huge tome. Lack of willpower, on my part.

My rating system: I begin with one star being equivalent to a rating of "C -". Progressing upwards, I add ½ star for each step, up to the maximum 5 stars, which is equivalent to a rating of "A"+. I reserve ½ star for BOMBS, there being no option of zero or negative stars.
