Everything's Eventual

Stephen King
Everything's Eventual Cover

Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales


Stephen King is an enigma, I don't understand how someone can understand humans so well. I can relate to things I've never thought would be put into words. Take this passage from "That Feeling, You Only Say What it is in French" "You think I'm amused, but I'm irritated. For nearly the ninety trillionth or so time in the marriage, I'm irritated. You don't know that though, because you can only see about two inches into me and then your vision fails." I just got out of a two-year relationship and this was one of the reasons I did, THIS EXACT FEELING. I would get annoyed about something and my ex wouldn't pick up on it because I felt she didn't see into me. It's why I'm worried about relationships in general right now and struggle to understand how there is someone out there who will truly understand me. This is just one example of how King helps me appreciate my own life, which is quite special to me. I think Stephen King is the greatest author to have graced this world so far.

The collection is fantastic, it took a long time to get through but I only didn't like one story in the entire collection, which is impressive. This collection also holds the best short story I've ever read. A great collection and I can't wait to read more by King.

Favorite Story: Everything's Eventual - This is my favorite short story ever, the narration of Dinky is PERFECT and the storytelling is out of this world. The realization Dinky goes through that he might be part of something truly horrible is powerful and sickening. I don't think I can put into words how much I want a full-length novel with Dinky as the MC. A quote from this story is now my bio for Instagram for the foreseeable future, "Good. Don't question wonder, Dink. Don't ever question wonder."

Honorable Mention: The Death of Jack Hamilton - If this was any other collection this would have been my favorite story. It's more than applaudable when an author can fit the sense of fulfillment you get from reading a good novel in a short story and King does that with this story. I want to read Westerns now.. and I think I would disappointed because I don't think there are many stories I would enjoy more than this one.

Least Favorite: Luckey Quarter - I don't even really remember what happens in this one I listened to it so long ago now. I just remember it being a nothing burger which is quite rare for King. I listened to the audiobook of this collection that had five of the 14 stories before reading the entire collection. I should have probably re-read this one like I did for "Everything's Eventual" but I just remember being bored and couldn't summon the effort.
