
Josh Malerman
Inspection Cover



I bow down to this man, who puts the capital W in being a writer. "Inspection" was another hit for me, with such thought-provoking and vivid scenes I felt I could taste them. Although slow at the beginning (I wouldn't say I liked the Warren POV much) once the ball started rolling it kept gaining traction and I couldn't stop. You're tackling a pretty hefty job when trying to imagine what it would be like to meet a person of the opposite sex for the first time. Malerman CRUSHES IT, some of the writing is just purely exceptional. The crushing fear the children endure? SPOT ON! I think authors tend to underestimate how people would react to crazy hypothetical situations they are put in. Malerman plays it up perfectly, with vivid descriptions of a mind in turmoil, of a mind about to crack, of minds that do crack.

I also applaud K who is an amazing MC to follow, Although J was too, he's quite weak when you compare him to K. K is the hero of this story and It's just another thing to love in my opinion. I liked the novel much more when the perspectives switched around the halfway mark.

The ending was icing on the cake, 12-year-olds are FREAKING SCARY.

- Do you think studies could show asexual humans being on average more productive members of society? Or is the sex appeal only part of the equation and the real distraction is the bonds we form with people in our lives?

- What if the reality we hold close to is as fabricated as in this novel and more intelligent aliens are just using us for their experiment?

- Books are one of the most powerful tools for and in opposition to misinformation.