The Forever War

Joe Haldeman
The Forever War Cover

All Quiet on the Relative Front


I selected "psychological" as a sub-genre for lack of the choice of "morality," or say, "pacifism." The anomaly of this sf novel is just that: SF that is actually a novel, ie it has a theme.

(Now don't get your underarmour all in a knot. We all know most SF is escapist. That is its primary function. Certainly, most veteran SF authors have composed actual novels. But ask yourself, What portion of that author's work has a theme?)

No one wants war less than a real soldier. Thus first-person war accounts, fictionalized or memoirs, make an excellent arguement for peace.

And yes, the combat, training, and gizmology are thrilling. Let us not forget from whence we came.

BTW: I don't give 10's unless I acheive Nirvana. Or something.