This book has an insane epic scope. The story goes from a small hill in the the English countryside to the ends of the universe covering billions of years. However, in the narrator's viewpoint the time was only a couple of seconds.
This book is not a true novel in the sense of characters with a plot. The narrator's (the main "character") mind is mystically transported through space and time and he describes his experiences and observations during his travels. The only other character mentioned by name is Bvalltu, another mind the narrator meets in his travels and who then travels with him. He and Bvalltu are eventually joined by other nameless minds that travel with them. Other players include various intelligent species of plant men, ichthyoids, arachnoids, other humanoids, communal (not hive) minds, intelligent stars, galaxies, the cosmos and finally the Star Maker itself whom seemed genderless.
This story is one that will stand the test of time.