Posted 2014-03-21 10:07 AM (#6737) Subject: RYO February Review Poll
Posts: 4004
Location: Dallas, Texas
So I guess it's obvious we're pretty far behind on getting this review poll started. My apologies for being so tardy but, in my own defense, I was on vacation this month and there have been over 200 reviews. You guys are not making this easy! Anywho, here are 16 great reviews that we featured in the blog from February. Your job is to read through them and pick your top three. In an effort to catch up we're going to run a short poll so you only have until next Friday, the 28th to get your votes in so don't delay!
This is a multi-vote poll so please pick your top 3 reviews. The software will allow you to choose more than 3 but we ask that you restrict yourselves to just the 3. We'll keep the poll open until February 26 so get your votes in now.
Please keep in mind that this is not a popularity contest. Choose wisely and fairly so we can reward the best reviewers for their efforts. Remember, there are 3 prizes awarded each month: $25, $15 and $10 gift cards. Happy voting and good luck to our contestants!